Con oltre 60 iniziative tra eventi, convegni e seminari di formazione, SaMoTer rappresenta l’occasione ideale dove trovare anticipazioni per orientarsi al meglio nel settore delle macchine per costruzioni

Inauguration ceremony for SaMoTer, Asphaltica and Transpotec
The ribbon cutting ceremony during the inauguration of SaMoTer: Antonio Pastorello (President of the Province of Verona), Giampaolo Bottacin (Councillor of the Veneto Region), Umberto Del Basso De Caro (Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport), Maurizio Danese (President of Veronafiere), Marco Ambrosini (Councillor of Verona) and Michele Turrini (President of Siteb)
The CEO of VeronaFiere, Giovanni Mantovani, with Umberto Del Basso De Caro, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, and President Maurizio Danese
Inaugural Tour - 30th SaMoTer: Giampaolo Bottacin (Veneto Region), Umberto Del Basso De Caro (Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport), Filippo Muccinelli Venieri (VF Venieri), Michele Turrini (Siteb) and Maurizio Danese (Veronafiere)
Inauguration of the 30th SaMoTer: Giampaolo Bottacin (Veneto Region), Michele Turrini (Siteb), Marco Ambrosini (Verona City Council), Umberto Del Basso De Caro (Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport), Enrico Prandini (Komatsu) and Maurizio Danese (Veronafiere)
"Round Table: Solutions for environmental emergency, hydrogeological instability and land protection. Action in landscape contexts at risk and the contribution of construction machinery and technologies"""
The inaugural cocktail of the 30th edition of SaMoTer at Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Piazza Bra, Verona
The President and CEO of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese and Giovanni Mantovani, welcome exhibiting companies taking part in inaugural SaMoTer cocktail
Giovanni Mantovani, CEO of Veronafiere, with President Maurizio Danese
"Matteo Artioli (Vimatek) speaking to the conference: ""Innovative technologies and special equipment in the demolition sector"" organized by Recover Magazine"
SaMoTer offers to the operators of the construction industry a rich program of training and updating appointments
"""Road pavings: from design to scheduled maintenance, a conference organized by the Order of Engineers of Verona and Province"
"Concrete Safety ""Supplying concrete safely"": Practical training for safe use of concrete pumps organized by Atecap"
SaMoTer and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers together for a charity auction of models
Audience waiting for the model auction organized by SaMoTer and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
The charity auction of models organized by SaMoTer and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers - there is no reserve and sales go to the highest bidder
Huge success for the charity auction organized by SaMoTer and Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers knocked down 36 lots donated by SaMoTer exhibitors
The proceeds of the auction were entirely donated to social solidarity projects orgnised by the Veronese Community Foundation Onlus
The staff of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers and the Deputy CEO of Veronafiere, Mario Rossini, present the cheque to Alberto Motta, President of the Verona Community Foundation Onlus
The staff of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers posing with the proceeds of the models sold during the charity auction
SaMoTer Training & Education: an impressive programme of professional update courses for engineers and architects
SaMoTer Training & Education: Prof. Arch. Aldo Aymonino (Iuav), Luciano Rizzi (Veronafiere), Massimiliano Caviasca and Prof. Arch. Alberto Ferlenga just before the course dealing with routine and special maintenance of major works
"The conference organized by SIG (Italian Tunnelling Society) on ""Major Alpine railway infrastructures under construction: design and construction choices for drilling long, deep tunnels"""
The state of the art in major tunnelling projects during the conference organized by SIG - talian Tunnelling Society
"""From risk analysis to safety solutions in quarries and construction sites"". This is the title of the conference organized during SaMoTer by ANEPLA, the National Association of Quarriers-Producers of Stone and Related Materials "
"""Seismic risk: what is the impact of soil liquefaction? Prevention and solutions for environmental emergencies"" - seminar organized by ArchLivIng with the aim of analysing initiatives developed in Emilia Romagna following the 2012 earthquake
The president of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese, with Federica Brancaccio, president of Federcostruzioni
"The Mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, at the conference organized by Federcostruzioni reported on ""Safeguarding and regeneration of local areas"" by illustrating the case history of the Verona Arsenal"
Focus Africa - a B2B workshop exclusively for exhibitors that analyses opportunities for the construction sector in Morocco, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Cameroon
BtoB meetings between exhibitors and selected African operators from Morocco, Senegal and Ivory Coast
VeronaFiere delegate Jean-François Bassong highlights the opportunities for Italian companies in the sector and sustainable maintenance projects for road and river infrastructures in Africa
"Exhibitors meet selected buyers as part of the ""Focus Africa"" project organized with the support of BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas and in collaboration with ICE-Italian Trade Agency and Internationalia"
SaMoTer International Buyers' Lounge set up to host B2B meetings between exhibiting companies and delegations of international buyers
Prize-giving ceremony for the award competition organized by FOIV, the Federation of Orders of Engineers in the Veneto Region, for engineers who develop innovative land protrection projects
B2B meetings between exhibiting companies and African operators from Morocco, Senegal and Ivory Coast in the International Buyers' Lounge at SaMoTer
"Construction Equipment Day: Unacea presents the ""Mixing is better"" talk show discussing quality concrete"
Diesel of the Year prize-giving ceremony: Liebherr takes award for its D9812 engine
Stage V engines - Liebherr takes an award at Diesel of the Year organized by Vado and Torno Edizioni
The SaMoTer International Award assigned to Iran, guest country of the event and economic centre in the Middle East